Azure DevOps - Auto Approve PR with PAT

I hear a lot of people ask, how can I problematically approve a PR when using Azure DevOps? See the example script below. You will need a valid PAT, Azure DevOps Org URL, Azure DevOps Project Name/ID.

You will have to make small adjustment to the code to work, so please see comments inline.

import argparse
import json
import requests

# Go ahead and add all the users you want to approve with a PAT
# This is the easiest way, otherwise we would have to run a lot of
# api requests to figure out the user identity based on the current
# PAT used
TEAM = [

def submit_to_api(pat=None, url=None, data=None, method="get", return_type='json', json=None):
    result = None
    if method == 'get':
        query_parameters = data

        headers = {'Content-type': 'application/json', 'Accept': 'text/plain'}

        if query_parameters:
            result = requests.get(url,
                                  params=query_parameters, headers=headers, auth=('', pat))
            result = requests.get(url, headers=headers, auth=('', pat))
    elif method == 'delete':
        json_dictionary = data
        headers = {'Content-type': 'application/json', 'Accept': 'text/plain'}

        result = requests.delete(url, data=json_dictionary,
                              headers=headers, auth=('', pat))
    elif method == 'put':
        json_dictionary = data
        headers = {'Content-type': 'application/json', 'Accept': 'text/plain'}

        result = requests.put(url, data=json_dictionary,
                              headers=headers, auth=('', pat))
    elif method == 'patch':
        headers = {'Content-type': 'application/json', 'Accept': 'text/plain'}

        if data:
            json_dictionary = data
            result = requests.patch(url, data=json_dictionary,
                        headers=headers, auth=('', pat))
        elif json:
            json_dictionary = json
            result = requests.patch(url, json=json_dictionary,
                        headers=headers, auth=('', pat))
        json_dictionary = data
        headers = {'Content-type': 'application/json', 'Accept': 'text/plain'}

        result =, data=json_dictionary,
                               headers=headers, auth=('', pat))

    json = None

    if int(result.status_code) >= 400:
        msg = 'Submit Response = ' + \
            str(result.status_code) + "\n" + result.text
        raise Exception(msg)

    if return_type == 'json':
            json = result.json()
        except Exception:
            raise Exception("Can't parse Json Respone\n" + json.text)
            json = result.text
        except Exception:
            raise Exception("Can't get text\n" + json)

    return json

def get_user_local_id(user, pat, module=None):
    # my original code was hard coded to our org, you can just refactor to pass this in or
    # update org to your visual studio org name
    org = 'my_vs_project_name'
    identity_url = f'https://{org}'
    identity_obj = """
        """.replace("{0}", user)

    local_id = None

    json = submit_to_api(pat=pat, url=identity_url, data=identity_obj, method="post")
    if json:
        local_id = json['results'][0]['identities'][0]['localId']

    return local_id

def update_approval(pat, org, project, repo_id, pr_id, reviewer_id, module=None):
    url = f'{org}/{project}/_apis/git/repositories/{repo_id}/pullRequests/{pr_id}/reviewers/{reviewer_id}?api-version=6.0-preview'

    reviewer_obj = '{ "vote": "10"}'

    update_json = None

    json = submit_to_api(pat=pat, url=url,
                         data=reviewer_obj, method="put")
    if json:
        update_json = json

    return update_json

def get_pr_title(pat, org, project, repo_id, pr_id, module=None):
    url = f'{org}/{project}/_apis/git/repositories/{repo_id}/pullrequests/{pr_id}?api-version=6.0-preview.1'

    update_json = None
    description = None

    json = submit_to_api(pat=pat, url=url,
                         data=None, method="get")
    if json:
        update_json = json
        description = update_json['title']

    return description

def update_auto_complete(pat, org, project, repo_id, pr_id, reviewer_id, module=None):
    url = f'{org}/{project}/_apis/git/repositories/{repo_id}/pullrequests/{pr_id}?api-version=6.0-preview'

    title = get_pr_title(pat, org, project, repo_id, pr_id)
    update_json = None

    if title:
    	# You might want to change reviewer_obj particularly mergeCommitMessage
        reviewer_obj = """
                "mergeCommitMessage":"Auto-Merged PR {pr}: {title}",
                "id": "{id}"
        """.replace("{id}", reviewer_id).replace("{pr}", pr_id).replace("{title}", title)

        json = submit_to_api(pat=pat, url=url,
                             data=reviewer_obj, method="patch")
        if json:
            update_json = json

    return update_json

def approve_pull_request(pat, pr_ids, org, project, repo_id, module=None):
    results = []
    for pr in pr_ids:

        for name in TEAM:
            if module:
            reviewer_id = get_user_local_id(name, pat, module=module)

            if module:

            result = None

                result = update_approval(pat, org, project, repo_id, pr, reviewer_id, module=module)
            except Exception:

            if result:
                result2 = update_auto_complete(pat, org, project, repo_id, pr, reviewer_id, module=module)

    return results

def main():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
        description='Auto approve Pull Request(s)')
    parser.add_argument('--pat', type=str, nargs='?', required=True,
                        help='vsts Pat')
    parser.add_argument('--pr_id', type=str, nargs='+', required=True,
                        help='Pull Request id or list of Pull Request ids')
    parser.add_argument('--org', type=str, default='',
                        help='Azure DevOps Org URL')
    parser.add_argument('--repo_id', type=str, default='repo_id',
                        help='Azure DevOps Repo Id')
    parser.add_argument('--project', type=str, default='project_id',
                        help='Azure DevOps Project Name/ID')

    args = parser.parse_args()
    approve_pull_request(args.pat, args.pr_id,, args.project, args.repo_id)

if __name__ == '__main__':
Assuming you saved the file to you can run the code like below. You can then pass in the parameters as desired.

python3 ./
## Output 
# usage: [-h] --pat [PAT] --pr_id PR_ID [PR_ID ...] [--org ORG] [--repo_id REPO_ID] [--project PROJECT]
# error: the following arguments are required: --pat, --pr_id

# you can use this to get help
python3 ./ --help

# Output
#usage: [-h] --pat [PAT] --pr_id PR_ID [PR_ID ...] [--org ORG] [--repo_id REPO_ID] [--project PROJECT]
#Auto approve Pull Request(s)
#optional arguments:
#  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
#  --pat [PAT]           vsts Pat
#  --pr_id PR_ID [PR_ID ...]
#                        Pull Request id or list of Pull Request ids
#  --org ORG             Azure DevOps Org URL
#  --repo_id REPO_ID     Repo Id
#  --project PROJECT     Azure DevOps Project Name/ID

# You will likely call the script like this:
python3 ./ --pat 'some_guid' --pr_id 1234 --org '' --repo_id 'My_repo_id' --project 'My_Project_Name'
I recommend saving the PAT to keyvault and using a lookup to pass to your script. If you find this useful, please comment, share and let me know how you decide to integrate.


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